If you have been following the trends, you will notice everyone talking about web 3.0 . SO WHAT IS MORALIS WEB.3?  

Moralis is basically a piece of software that allows you to build cross chain dapps very very quickly. 

however, before we drive into web 3.0, let's take a look at web 1.0. and web 2.0 

Web 1, is the first generation of the web and also known as the static web. Websites built then were very simple and not interactive. In fact, it was just a read only website and users were just consumers and had no way of contributing and communicating their ideas.

Much later in 1999, web 2.0 started unveiling itself, giving rise to web apps, blogs and even social media. This caused a paradigm shift when people were encouraged to provide content, rather than just view the page and this is why we are able to post on social media sites like Facebook, twitter and even blogs.

Web 2.0. is the internet of now, more like the 21st century web, which has caused massive transformation in almost all works of life and everyone is happy.

So, what's the need for another web?

Despite the fact that web 2.0 has caused massive growth and transformation. It also have a serious problem.

•A few of which are low security and privacy issues. For instance, when you freely give out your data to those social media platforms they sell it to amass wealth. Ever wondered why you receive some emails you never signed up for? Think about it.

•No room for competition: Companies like google, Amazon, apple, Facebook, Microsoft and the likes, have too much money and even hire the best talents. So, almost everything you need or can do , they have the best so small businesses cannot compete with them. But web 3.0 aims to give free opportunity for equal competition, etc.

Moralis Web 3.0. is built on some concept of decentralization in the sense that instead of saving your details on those centralized servers like google, it will be stored on nodes which are interconnected to other nodes. Thanks to  Avalanche Blockchain technology.

Ever wondered what happened in 2021, when Facebook and some other social platforms shot down? There was panic all through because a lot of people’s businesses depended so much on them. But using a decentralized network, your information is stored in nodes, which are connected to other nodes, which makes it secure and immutable.

So based on this internet, the apps that work on web 3 are known as Dapps.

What’s so special about Moralis? 

The main advantage of Moralis is that it attempts to address the biggest problem that has resulted from Web 2: the collection of personal data by private networks which are then sold to advertisers or potentially even stolen by hackers.

With Web 3, the network is decentralized, so no one entity controls it, and the decentralized applications (dapps) that are built on top of the network are open. The openness of the decentralized web means that no single party can control data or limit access. Anyone is able to build and connect with different dapps without permission. 

Here how Moralis web 3.0 is  changing the internet

•How we log into websites using usernames and giving out our data including names, age, email, passwords, etc will ceased because we will be able to login with Blockchain.

•Able to manage your own identity, and Retain ownership of your data

•Zero proof: To prove your identity without revealing who you really are.

•Enhancing user experience, signing in with fingerprints

•So, when you are using web 3.0, you are using an entire network and not a specific app.

These and many more are just a few of the major difference between web 2 and Web3.

The Future

The future of the web is about increasing usage, usability, and scalability. For the vision of Web 3 to become reality, a lot more people are going to have to start using Web 3 dapps. This not only means more dapps, but also dapps that are easier to use and more appealing to non-technical users.

Finally, with Avalanche, the largest and most-popular smart-contract platform, regularly at near full capacity, Moralis Web 3 networks will  scale up and be able to quickly handle millions of transactions. 

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